publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.
- JAPPhotoemission characterization of N-polar III-nitride photocathodes as candidate bright electron beam sources for accelerator applicationsJournal of Applied Physics, 2022
- Operation of Cs–Sb–O activated GaAs in a high voltage DC electron gun at high average currentAIP Advances, 2022
- Beam brightness from Cs–Te near the photoemission thresholdApplied Physics Letters, 2021
- JAPMonte Carlo modeling of spin-polarized photoemission from p-doped bulk GaAsJournal of Applied Physics, 2021
- JAPImproved lifetime of a high spin polarization superlattice photocathodeJournal of Applied Physics, 2020
- Long lifetime polarized electron beam production from negative electron affinity GaAs activated with Sb-Cs-O: Trade-offs between efficiency, spin polarization, and lifetimePhysical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2020
- JAPBrightness of femtosecond nonequilibrium photoemission in metallic photocathodes at wavelengths near the photoemission thresholdJournal of Applied Physics, 2018
- Rugged spin-polarized electron sources based on negative electron affinity GaAs photocathode with robust Cs2Te coatingApplied Physics Letters, 2018